
Nicole Fitz: Bargain Huntress

One of the traits I wish to pass on to my wee daughter is the love of the hunt....the thrill of the bargain....the tingle of knowing you got something for less than other people paid. My mother bequeathed this magic to me, and I in turn shall pass it on...I have no idea why it makes me so happy to get a deal, but it does, dammit, and it's one of the healthiest ways to get a buzz I know of. I mean really, no one is hurt AND you save money?! Win/win. My big score this weekend was baby bedding. There was a set I kind of liked at Target.com that was about 150 bucks on sale, but I was holding off on getting it- I didn't know if I should wait for the shower/for the price to drop further, etc. Now I know I was really holding out because fate had a Supreme Bargain in store for me.

We were in Baby Gap this Sunday checking out some maternity tee shirts (when you start out with in inordinately long torso, and then stick a basket ball on the front of it, turns out your shirts are too damn short.) And there I saw it. A freakin adorable 4 piece bedding set in exactly the colors, textures, and materials I wanted, ON SALE for over 70% off! It was 250! And I paid 85! HOLLAR BACK! I know it is tacky to tell people what you paid for stuff, but I am my mother's daughter, and the joy of the steal outweighs the shame of it. It is white cotton pique with embroidered fleurs and butterflies and bumble bees all over its cute self. I am putting a pic up below, so you can roll around in my bargain with me.
Yay! Baby Gwen gets to sleep under Mommy and Daddy's wedding colors! And Mommy gets to sleep under the 165 bucks she saved- it makes a thin blanket, all those crisp one dollar bills, but a warm one nonetheless.


Optimus Primate said...

You and my mom would have been, like, BFFs. Seriously.

tinyparticlesoflight said...

I hear ya - I LOVE a good bargain! I got the babies' bedding on sale too. At this point, with two babes coming I would be a downright idiot if I didn't look for bargains.
p.s. Gwen's bedding is truly adorable.

Unknown said...

You are the fucking queen of bargains and I love you all the more for it! And such a cute set too! I really miss you guys and I whole heartedly believe that we should get together this weekend. There, it shall be so, Gwen and I planned it and she needs a ride, so you guys have to come.