
The Waaaaiiiting is the Hardest Part...

Wow, there really is a Tom Petty song for pretty much everything, huh? Even down to dancing with corpses, or stalking your ex, or jumping off balconies. Or waiting to give birth, as the case may be.

Here we are, 9 days from that oh-so-looked-forward-to and yet largely arbitrary day known as the "estimated due date". I had a doc appointment yesterday afternoon. I'm ever so slightly effaced, but still closed for bidness. (Sorry, if you didn't want to know this stuff, don't read my blog, k? And really, after all the talking I've done about my dogs' various orifices and the ointments I've had to spread on them, are you really grossed out by a lil' ole cervix? I thought not.)

I actually got a bit teary-eyed on the drive home- I'm just so so SOOOO tired and ready for labour to begin. Also, I am a planner. I like to know when stuff is going to happen well in advance so I can gather my emotional and physical resources to deal with them- It's just how I be. So having one of the single most pivotal days of my life left to the four winds is a bit hard for me. Luckily I married St. Gavin of Prenatal Consolation, who plied me with cake and kind words and a nap in the air-conditioning.

Last week I went to Caioti Pizza in Studio City and had "The Salad". It is rumoured to bring about labour within 2 days- while I believe in such crap not at all, it sounded like a fun way to spend a Friday evening with hubbster. It was basically a nice romaine salad with a really good balsamic-ish dressing and some walnuts, and I got to put an entry into the running journal they keep of all the mom's-to-be who are coughing up 8+ bucks to try and kick their babies out. While I was eating it, another preggo came in with her husband. We four shared knowing looks, and then, in that shy yet inevitable way the expecting commiserate, asked each other what I think of as the "Pregnancy Trinity" of questions (when are you due, what are you having, how are you feeling). It's nice to know other mommas are sick of being pregnant- makes me feel like less of an evil harpy for wanting Ms. Gwen to vacate so badly.

So, we wait. I have another appointment on June 1st (Monday) and my doc wants to talk about my "options" should we elect to induce. I dunno...as eager as I am, I am not really on board with using a chemical to trick my body into doing something it should do on its own (though really, isn't that what medicine is?). I just know there is a higher incidence of C-section with induction, and I'm not down with that. I am also not down with pushing out a 9.5lb baby either, however, so I'm keeping my options VERY open. I'm praying this is all moot and Ms. Gwen wakes me sometime this week in the wee small hours on a mission to join us here on dry land...I'll keep you posted...


tinyparticlesoflight said...

All I have to say is, I understand in a big way. Big. And so does Tom Petty. But it will happen soon and geez is it ever worth it.

Anonymous said...

I refused to induce unless the baby was two weeks late and my doctor was fine with this. She was 6 days late...the only thing that sucked was that she pood inside of me...not poo poo but meconium which is almost totally sterile (unlike the poo we make now)...they just had to flush everything out and provide some antibiotics. No big whoop. Let it happen when it happens! Don't let doctors push you to induce...many of them succumb to the temptation because planning is easier than spontaneity when it comes to the bebes. Take lots of walks, get jiggy with Gavin a lot, eat some spicy food...just do all that good crap to coax Gwen out. I can't wait to see pictures!

The Fitzlosopher said...

C- I need a birth story! I am addicted to birth stories, and c'mon, it's not like you are busy or anything right? Ha ha ha.
Kelly- good advice. If she's six days late...well...I like to think I'll be able to hang on that long...

Gramma Anne said...

Ok, here's a birth story - well 2 actually. No 1 daughter was born after only 6 hours of labor - completely natural. No 2 daughter was born after 3 hours of labor, also natural. Natural is not for everyone, but I was told I could have had my girls without a dr. present. So since you and I have similiar structures, you should have an easy time. Here's hoping for that for you. And I agree with everyone else - don't let the dr. induce unless the baby is at least 2 weeks late.

Ash said...

dag, I remember this waiting game all too well.

start filling out that baby book I gave you, that'll pass the time.

The Fitzlosopher said...

Ha ha...I already filled out as much as I can- the rest is all post-birth stuff!