We skipped our birthing class this week. First, my back had gone to the really bad place that day, which made sitting in a chair for another two-plus hours in addition to my 8hr work day not appealing. And second, it was the class about "What could go wrong". My hubster was NOT INTERESTED. I am an info junkie, so I had no problem with it (not like it's anything i haven't already read in my 10+ pregnancy books), but I understand where Gav is coming from. So instead of class, we made pasta bolognese and then I built myself a giant circle of pillows so I had a hollow for my belly and I could lie face down for the first time in 8 months. It was WONDERFUL- I now build pillow-nest every evening after work, and get a nice back rub. Good man, that Gav.
We had our bi-weekly doc apt last night, and while everything was good, they did find a little protein in my pee. If hearing about pee offends you, read no further, btw. Protein in urine can be indicative of a UTI, or even preeclampsia, something we DO NOT want to have. Luckily, my blood pressure is awesome, so they don't think it's that. I have to give another sample in two weeks, and hope its less 'Atkins Approved'. The bad part is my doc thinks it may just be I was a little dehydrated, and she unfortunately said so in front of Gavin. He is now following me around with glasses of water, like that little girl in 'Signs', forcing me to drink. Thanks doc. Peeing 464 times a day due to baby's head on bladder wasn't enough....
Oh! And we have bees! Like hundreds of them, living in the eves of the house next door. It's been so hot that to cool themselves off they formed massive clusters hanging off the house. I'll put a pic up tonite. At first I wanted to just let them alone, since bees are so scarce these days. But Emmy has now been stung 3 times due to her need to attempt to ingest said bees, and I can't imagine being stung is great for me right now, so they must go. Besides, pulling bee stingers out of a pugs silky little face with a pair of tweezers is easier said than done. Landlord is sending someone out today to de-bee us. I kind of want to believe they will catch them and release them in some bee-meadow somewhere, like where my mom sent Angie, our German Shepherd, when I was five...
SO that's all the news thats fit to print for now. I am due for more belly pics- I'll take some soon.
I believe Angie is in Dog Heaven or Dog Meadow.
I have to say that I would be PO'd too if my OB said "dehydrated" in front of G. He already is worried about my amniotic fluid levels. But at least our hubs are sweet and caring and not in prison or something, right? :)
I hope everything turns out okay with the pee.
Is Angiethe one who stashed a large piece of meat in Joy's bassinette?
It is indeed.
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