
Me and Mr. Turkey...We have a thang going on!

Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! We had a lovely one with Gavin's family in Fresno. I ate a ridiculous amount of Thanksgivingness, and it was AWESOME. Gawd, I love starchy side dishes. Everyone was very excited about the beanster, and nearly everyone had a guess as to gender. For the record, the predictions are as follows:

Girl Side:
-My Mom
-My Dad
-Gavin's cousin Amanda
-Our 2 year old neice Isabella, who when asked what was in my belly, said "girl", though she may have been referring to me, not the baby. It's a little confusing.
-Anthony (Still not used to calling him that)
Boy Side:
-Annie (mom of Ash)
-Gav's Mom (though maybe this is just so she wont be disapointed as I know she longs for girl-type)
-Optimus Primate

Feel free to hazard your guesses in the comments section- I will update the standings as your vote comes in so we have a record of who was right and who was wrong, for better to rub in your faces later on. Whee! Gav and I go back and forth on our "gut feeling". We will know for sho sometime in January, so lay your bets now. For the record, I really have no preference at all. I think of both flavors and get equally excited for each.

In other news, Gavin came home late one night last week and I was already asleep. I awoke to him petting my hair. I said "Why aren't you sleeping? It's so late!" He told me I had been having a nightmare and sighing and mumbling in my sleep. "I wasn't having a nightmare," I said. "I was dreaming about cookies." Ahh, pregnancy.

Here's a belly pic, last day of week 13:


Anonymous said...

I predict a female.

Optimus Primate said...

Although I wish you a girl, I'm going to place my imaginary money on "boy." Nothing personal, I swear.

The Fitzlosopher said...

oooh, kelly and denis in a fight to the death! Both will enter the ring, but only one will leave! Yah!!! YAHHH!!!

Anonymous said...

Prepare to meet thy doom, Optimus Primate!

Unknown said...

Add me to the boy side. I don't know why - I just have a feeling...

The Fitzlosopher said...

My gut this week says boy too, but it changes from time to time, so we'll see...

Ashley said...

I really don't care either way. If it's a girl or a boy, Lucy gets a BFF for life.

I already heart this child so much! Yay FitzBaby!

Unknown said...

So, I think it's a boy and Anthony is leaning toward a girl. I have a reasoning not appropriate to post on this site (jokes and info shared about your hubby's "love" anatomy) and Anthony is just going on a hunch. Either way, it's gonna be a damn cute little one!

The Fitzlosopher said...

tee hee....

tinyparticlesoflight said...

I'm on Ash's team. I predict boy. Girl is my second guess. ;)

The Fitzlosopher said...

I am actually leaning boy-ward more and more- not in my wanting (or not wanting) a boy, but in my feeling of thats what we're having. But next week, I'll be SURE it's a girl. S