Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! We had a lovely one with Gavin's family in Fresno. I ate a ridiculous amount of Thanksgivingness, and it was AWESOME. Gawd, I love starchy side dishes. Everyone was very excited about the beanster, and nearly everyone had a guess as to gender. For the record, the predictions are as follows:
Girl Side:
-My Mom
-My Dad
-Gavin's cousin Amanda
-Our 2 year old neice Isabella, who when asked what was in my belly, said "girl", though she may have been referring to me, not the baby. It's a little confusing.
-Anthony (Still not used to calling him that)
Boy Side:
-Annie (mom of Ash)
-Gav's Mom (though maybe this is just so she wont be disapointed as I know she longs for girl-type)
-Optimus Primate
Feel free to hazard your guesses in the comments section- I will update the standings as your vote comes in so we have a record of who was right and who was wrong, for better to rub in your faces later on. Whee! Gav and I go back and forth on our "gut feeling". We will know for sho sometime in January, so lay your bets now. For the record, I really have no preference at all. I think of both flavors and get equally excited for each.
In other news, Gavin came home late one night last week and I was already asleep. I awoke to him petting my hair. I said "Why aren't you sleeping? It's so late!" He told me I had been having a nightmare and sighing and mumbling in my sleep. "I wasn't having a nightmare," I said. "I was dreaming about cookies." Ahh, pregnancy.
I predict a female.
Although I wish you a girl, I'm going to place my imaginary money on "boy." Nothing personal, I swear.
oooh, kelly and denis in a fight to the death! Both will enter the ring, but only one will leave! Yah!!! YAHHH!!!
Prepare to meet thy doom, Optimus Primate!
Add me to the boy side. I don't know why - I just have a feeling...
My gut this week says boy too, but it changes from time to time, so we'll see...
I really don't care either way. If it's a girl or a boy, Lucy gets a BFF for life.
I already heart this child so much! Yay FitzBaby!
So, I think it's a boy and Anthony is leaning toward a girl. I have a reasoning not appropriate to post on this site (jokes and info shared about your hubby's "love" anatomy) and Anthony is just going on a hunch. Either way, it's gonna be a damn cute little one!
tee hee....
I'm on Ash's team. I predict boy. Girl is my second guess. ;)
I am actually leaning boy-ward more and more- not in my wanting (or not wanting) a boy, but in my feeling of thats what we're having. But next week, I'll be SURE it's a girl. S
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