I was feeling in a
bloggerly mood with nary an important life event to blog about and
A List of My Favorite Movies as a Kid
1. Has to be
Neverending Story. I wanted to be that
freakin Childlike Empress so bad, i went around with one of my mom's necklaces hanging between my brows affecting a crappy Madonna-
British accent. And
remember turning up the
volume and putting your ear to the TV to figure out what name Bastion screams? It's
Moonchild. I read the
book just to find out. And now that you know, you can totally hear it in the movie. I think they added the line about using his mother's name and then forgot to edit the final name choice. Either that, or Bastion's mom was a major hippie. Maybe that's how she died- overdosed on some
shrooms or
something. Of course, none of this makes sense if you never were into this movie. But really, if you weren't, I don't care to know you anyway. Just kidding. Come over and we can watch it.
Anne of Green Gables/Avonlea:
OMG, lovely story, innocent Victorian high-jinks, Coleen
Dewhurst, Gilbert the-original-
McDreamy-Blythe, and Anne! Oh my red-haired strong-willed lovely "she doesn't know she loves him yet" Anne! What more does a romance addicted little girl need? Granted, there are some super cringe-worthy moments (I am looking at you, "White Way of Delight") but all in all a night watching these movies with some brownies and wine involved is still a wonderful night in my book. And now, thanks to a generous sister, I own the whole boxed set. So again, come over if you haven't seen it. Unless you are male as this movie will cause your testicles to shrivel up and blow away like so much dust in the frosty Canadian wind.
The Last Unicorn:
Japanimation loveliness. This story is so bittersweet that my little 7 year old heart could barely take it. Plus, the Big
Lebowski (or is it really the Little
Lebowski?), Jeff
Bridges, voices the prince. Oh! And there's this mortifying soundtrack done by the band
America..."She's the
laaaaaaaast Unicorrrrrrrrrn!!!" Perfection.
Pee Wees Big Adventure: We
recently re-
viewed this wonderful movie, and it's only gotten better now that I am old enough to get all the jokes. A fun contest my
hubbster and I like to play is "Who can remember the most quotes?". This contest is best when slightly drunk. "
Annnnd knitting,
annnnnnnnd knitting,
annnnnnnnd knitting........"
The Labyrinth: David Bowie gave me my first "funny feelings". He is so
bizarrely and incomprehensibly hot in this movie. Plus, Jennifer C
onnelly gets to wear a big
poofy dress with eighties hair and one of the aforementioned head-necklaces. This movie was a bit scary at times, but so worth it.
Remember that scene when she thinks she's home at last but it's all bullshit?? That's some hard and fast reality for a little kid whose parents are going through a divorce, let me tell you.
The Little Mermaid: This movie made me and every other little girl within hearing distance of it's music want to live Under the
Freakin Sea. There is somewhere a
cassette tape of me trying to sing "Part of Your World" at 11, and failing miserably, I might add. Thanks Disney, for giving us little girls realistic body proportions to aspire to... Oh, for eyes the size of saucers, fifty pounds of red hair, and a 7 inch waist!!