So the time has come to tell you all, I am having a baby!! HOORAY!!! I am almost 12 weeks along- I waited to tell my extended network of friends until we were in the "out of the woods" phase and got our second ultrasound. We are so excited and nervous and elated and silly all at once. Here is the ultrasound we got done yesterday- if you look closely, you can see the baby is doing a tiny "Go Obama" fist pump.
Our little bean is due June 5th (if you believe the doctors- my calculations have us at June 7). I am currently pretty damn nauseous, but that should be ebbing soon (jeez, I hope so- it's sort of like being hungover all day, every day). So there you have it- we have created life. Cue that shitty Creed song!
OH, PS, I wanted y'alls opinion- should I make a seperate baybee blog? Or just do my thang on here??
Wow. That's huge!
And about to get huger! Thanks, friend!
omg! CONGRATS!!! Re: new blog...may I just point out that Miss Ash doesn't really post to anything but TPC anymore? So, if you make a new, separate blog, realize that this baby is going to BECOME your life and you will most likely abandon this one altogether. Re: the sickness...mine lasted 14 weeks and then I felt faboo up until about 36 weeks...then I just felt big and large bodies of water became my best friends.
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Can I be one of the California grammas?
Of course!! And I think I'll end up having a Fresno baby shower- if so I'd love to see you! :)
June 5 is my little monkey's birthday! And I will say, she RULES! Congratulations! I am sending you my "I loved being pregnant" vibes
Me again - I hope this little person is born on 06-03-09. That would be a cool birthdate!
Zonthar: AHHHH!!! I KNOW!!! AHHH!!!!
Annie: Yeah, me too. I love the number 9 so that'd be a good one. Or 6/9/9- but thats a little close the 666...
Wow, I'm a little late in commenting on this one but I haven't been on the internets a lot lately.
ANd I vote just keep this blog as an all-encompassing-blog, baby and all. You will not have time to maintain multiple blogs. (AS Kelly pointed out, the others are sure to fall to the wayside.)
Congrats friend!!!
Eww, gross, that means you guys "did it" doesn't it?
You realize this is going to be the tallest kid of all time, right?
Yes, thank you Captain Obvious. No one has pointed this height thing out to us before- we actually have been raiding the baby petite section until you tore the scales from our eyes. Dork. :)
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