

April was a month of visitors for us. Gwen got to meet her Uncle Tim, Aunt Alex, and Cousin William for the very first time. And got to see Grandma and Grandpa, AND got to see (second cousins? Second Aunt?) Becky, Amanda and Lisa!
I would write a whole lovely wit-filled, anecdote-laden summary of the awesome month, but currently Baby Wes is causing me to have horrid acid reflux and hate my life. So I'll let the pictures tell the story:

Cousins meet for the first time and dance with glee:



Uncle Gavin's Superman costume!

Bath time pics! Useful for embarrassment in years to come...

New York Aquarium:

Momma and Gwen:


Happy Easter!

We had a lovely holiday at our house! Missed Joy, who had to work, and of course our beloved West Coast Fam, who are waaay too far away, but still, a beautiful day. Gwen was a doll all day, and found Easter Egg hunting both fun and...well....kind of weird. I mean, how do you wrap your not quite 2 year old mind around the concept that some creature went around your yard laying neon colored eggs which you are meant to gather?

Gavin made the best Easter dinner I have ever had, and we had way too much dessert. So yeah, perfection. Oh, and tomorrow I'll put up some pics of the Fitzys trip out East!

Getting her basket on:

I know I'm biased, but...

Uncle Go-gee!

Gettin down to bidness:

Mom and Joey:


A Brave New Blog

So, I bit the pricey bullet and got a laptop. Well, to be more accurate, I launched a 6 month campaign to the hubs, about how much work I could get done, how much easier life would be, etc., until he agreed that it would be a great and damn near necessary investment. And then I back-peddled about the money, hemmin' and hawin', until the tables were turned and it was him convincing me. Because in a perverse way, that's how I avoid buyer's remorse ("He MADE me get one!") Yes, I am demented. But I have a lovely new computer! Whee!!
So here's my hope: it will lead to blogging more. Because really, the main reason I don't currently find time to fire off my deep, meaningful missives is simply because by the time I get Gwen to bed, dinner wrapped up, the house cleaned, work-related loose ends snipped off or tied up, the only thing I want is to lounge on my couch and stare into the abyss. Or stare at RuPaul's Drag Race. Sitting on the Purgatorial plastic Ikea office chair at the computer in my makeshift office/guest room does not sound at all appealing. Case in point, I am currently ensconced on aforementioned couch, a cheese danish resting on the arm, a pug snoring at my leg, and typing away.
And why would I like to resume blogging? Because I like to write, and I read once that you should try to write a little every day. While I can't reasonably hope for that, once a week would beat the pants off of the current status quo.
So there you have it. I will try to get some pics and pregnancy status update slapped up here in the very near future. Now don't get all excited and run your cars off the road or nothin.