I love it when I am reminded of why I married my mister. (It's because he is an awesome, awesome man).
Case in point. He was riding home on the subway yesterday at rush hour. It was standing room only, and barely that, with people packed in like sardines. He heard this baby screaming- not crying, but just
shrieking repeatedly in that way babies do when they find out they have voices and decide to practice with them. I know this sound well, and it kind of makes you want to shove a screwdriver in your ear when you are not on a crowded train, so I can imagine this
atmosphere. He kept hearing this woman say "
shhh" quietly to the baby, and noticed there was also a little boy of about 5, getting more and more keyed up and loud as well.
Then he saw the owner of said baby and boy stand up from the baby carriage where she was trying to hush the screamer. "Honey, she reminded me so much of you", said
fitzhubby, as he related all this to me last night. "She just had that look of trying so hard and coming within two seconds of losing her shit- I have seen that exact look on your face at 3:30 in the morning!" (I chose not to take offense to this- I know what he meant). She was "white knuckling" the support bar of the train. So my hubby reached over and patted her arm and said "Hey. It's
ok! Don't worry about us. It's fine. You're doing a great job." This poor girl looked over at him and just burst into tears. She actually hugged hubby (this is an NY subway, people) and was so
grateful that someone simply
understood. My hubs explained that we have a baby too, and that sometimes you just have to accept they will not be great in public and "set it free".
Meanwhile, when my husband said "Don't worry about us." some douche behind him actually snorted in disgust. Gav turned and gave a look over his shoulder but couldn't decide who the scoffer was so he didn't say anything. They chatted about parenthood, etc, and finally the chick's stop came up. Gav told her little boy to help his mom with the groceries and get his coat on- the kid listened way more when it was a male stranger telling him what to do, and in my
experience small boys love to be put in the capacity of "helper" rather than "additional child driving me crazy".
So as the chick is trying to get her children and groceries and stroller off the train before the doors close, this guy, mid-fourties in an expensive suit with his
briefcase and coat on the floor of the subway, nose buried in a Kindle (a very likely candidate for the aforementioned scoffer), is blocking her way, and either ignoring or not hearing the woman's "
Excuse me, sir"s.
Here's where Gav raises his awesomeness to a whole new level. He said "Dude, can you move for the lady?" and when the guy actually ROLLED HIS EYES(!!) Gav took his foot and nonchalantly swept the guys stuff to one side. He helped the lady get off the train, and as she was going, said to her little boy "See, there's two ways you can be. Don't grow up to be like that guy!". And off they went.
As he turned back to the train, douchey actually says "No one talks to me that way!" Gav says "I just did. If you want to further discuss it, I get off at the next stop." Whereupon douchey was suddenly back in his Kindle (seriously, how do you pull out the "No one talks to me that way" and then back down?? Perhaps he was just voicing an obeservation...). On his way off the train, hubby's parting words were- "Well, we're at my stop. You coming?" to which there was no response,
Now, I know, this was all a little over the top, and likely a direct result of Gavin being a new dad and
uber sensitive to the plight of new parents w/ loud babies in small places (can we say THREE cross country flights in 60 days??). But I have never been so proud that my husband is a good, good person, who isn't afraid to stand up for people who are at the end of their rope. Kudos, dear. And to his parents, who sometimes read this blog, you done good raising that boy. I can only hope I do as well with our kids.