On the Gwendy front, she is just growing in leaps and bounds in every way. She gets the occasional sentence mixed into her more usual spate of one-word commands (MILK! UP! MORE! AGAIN!). And there is no better greeting in the universe than her chirpy "Hi Momma!" every morning when I get her from her crib. She can pick out many animals and make their sounds, and is currently in love with Fire Trucks (Gire Gucks), guitar ('Tar) and that youtube video where the guy uses Kermit the Frog to lip synch to the song "Pressure".
Her grandpa and grandma came in from California and spoiled her shamelessly, as is their right. In addition to a mountain of lovely clothes she now owns a giant pink car she can ride in. We push her around the house in it as she honks the horn and waves "bye" to Percy and Emmy as they flee in terror. Driving Miss Gwendy.
Gav and I are gearing up for winter. My intrepid husband outfitted himself as though he were preparing for deep space and re-hung all the falling insulation in our attic in the hopes we wont get as well and truly raped by National Grid this year. Oh, the swear words that came from that attic. A sailor would blush, I tells ya. And I am happy and busy and so looking forward to the holidays. Bring on some turkey-bird.
So yeah, nothing crazy, but that be's life as of right this minute. Now here's a ridiculous slew of pictures. Happy Fall, Y'all!