
A String Around My Finger

This blog has become a way for me to remember things. Not only things to do with Gwendolyn, but small cross-sections of my life preserved in little mental slides for later perusal. So here are some things I'd like to remember from this past month:

Re: My Husband:
1. He is so incredibly supportive. He has worked the mid-shift (which he hates) and has spent every day off wrangling Gwen by himself at night so I could do a show. And he never complained once.

2. He always tears his shirts in the same place- in the back, slightly to the right, 3/4 of the way down. Science has yet to figure out how or why.

3. Makes me watch The Ultimate Fighter with him. But then he will watch Glee with me. So even-Steven, really.

Re: Gwendolyn
1. Her word for "squirrel" is "curl", her word for "fish" is "gish" and "belly-button" is "Bom bun-bun". "Chicken" is un-typable but sounds vaguely Chinese, sort of like "Jiangchan"

2.When a song comes on she really likes, she does not smile, but looks intense and shakes her hips and butt fervently.

3. When you are settling her down for bed she caresses your arm while you read to her, and reaches up to hold both your ear and her own.

4. Our current top three bedtime songs are "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", "You Are My Sunshine", and "Tomorrow" (the theme from Annie), followed closely by "Edelweiss" from Sound of Music and "With You" from Pippin. As one might suspect, lots of Musical Theatre...

5. She is OBSESSED with the Wonder Pets. Except she refers to them as "On Our Way", which is a lyric from the theme song. She sings this about 300 times a day, chanting "On Ah Way" over and over like she's an acolyte from the Temple of Doom. I. Hate. Wonder Pets.

6. When someone leaves, she crouches down and looks for them through the crack under the front door.

Re: Myself
1. I love theatre. I had no idea how much I missed it this past year or so until I did a show. Fun fun fun, and I actually feel re-charged rather than fatigued now that it's over.

2. I love my family. They selflessly stepped up to the plate so I never once in 6 weeks had to hire a babysitter. They gave up weekends, evenings, drove their butts off, and made it so I never had to worry about Gwen's well-being while rehearsing/performing, knowing she was with people who love her. Mom, Gavin, Joy, and Joey- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

3. I love life. October will bring some hard days. I can't prevent this and don't even want to. I miss my father every single day and can't help but remember where we were last year with a feeling of having been horribly cheated. But the amount of happiness that is crammed into this crazy life of mine is really an embarrassment of riches, and it helps knowing how happy this would have made Daddy. So...

4. I am thankful. Very, very thankful.


How I Spent My Summer Vacation- an essay by Gwendy Fitz

What can I say about this summer? It was fun, but pretty uneventful...

I brushed up on my chess game...

And tried out some pretty unorthodox moves.

I was kind to my parents...

...and somehow grew to resemble both of them more and more!

A minor incident occurred when I was caught committing petty larceny in August...

I had to do some hard jail time with some pretty hardened characters.

Ultimately, we were released on good behaviour.

I explored nature:

And became a better listener.

I retained my sense of glamour at all times. Summer is no excuse to let yourself go.

I decided walking was better than crawling...

...And that making music is better than just listening to it.

Groooovy man.

I contemplated life's mysteries...

...And found solace in literature.

I worked on my relationships...

...And tried new cuisines:

I was physically active...

...And met some.....er....interesting people.

All in all, summer's denouement was lovely and full. I look forward to what fall has to offer!!